Lisa Morgan
Host, The Weekly ReaderLisa Morgan covered the local arts community as co-creator and host of WYPR’s award-winning program The Signal from 2004 to 2015. She has created and produced many programs for WYPR, including news stories, features, commentaries, and audio documentaries. She taught audio production at Goucher College from 2002 – 2004 and has done voice-over work for a variety of clients. The Weekly Reader is her latest project.
Secret knowledge and magic potions.
Changing times, changing attitudes, changing lives.
Who says the suburbs are boring?
Stranger than fiction, you say?
Making friends, telling stories.
Hey! Want to start a new podcast?
Behinds the scenes in the halls of power and government.
Money can't buy you love, but can it buy you happiness?
The Weekly Reader goes to the seaside, again!